Girl applying her do-it-yourself lash extensions at home
Girl applying her do-it-yourself lash extensions at home


Your favourite lash styles

Links to your favourite lash styles are below. Styles are listed (left to right) from natural to more dramatic. 

Natural Lashes - "like your lashes, but better" Dimsum Diva, Boba Bae, Soba Seduction

Wispy Lashes - "natural everyday glam"
Sleigh the Day (model wears natural C curl option), Over the Moon, Fruitcake Flutter (model wears natural C curl option)

Volume Lashes - "girls night out"
So OolongSoy Into YouEggXtra (model wears deep D curl option)

Girl using fake eyelashes


Click on the white buttons below to find your ideal lash collection.

Beautiful woman applying her own lash extensions at home Korean woman wearing natural looking reuseable lash extensions
Natural Lashes - Starter Bundle
Regular price $633.00 Sale price HK$599.00
Girl applying her do-it-yourself lash extensions at home Girl applying her do-it-yourself lash extensions at home
Wispy Lashes - Starter Bundle
Regular price $633.00 Sale price HK$589.00
Woman with hooded eyes applying lash adhesive that is made in Korea Woman with hooded eyes applying lash adhesive that is made in Korea
Volume Lashes - Starter Bundle
Regular price $633.00 Sale price HK$589.00


Prefer a cat eye look?

Easily achieve a lifted cat-eye look by mixing lash styles - click here.

Got hooded or monolid eyes?

You're in the right place - all of our lash styles are designed specifically for a natural look on your eye shape, so feel free to pick any of them! However, if you have monolid eyes, you will find that lashes with a deeper curl (i.e. D curl), like Fruitcake Flutter, will really open up your eyes & make them twinkle!

Sparse, weak & straight lashes?

No problem! Most Zukyun customers have weak lashes due to their previous lifestyle of continuous salon lash appointments. Also, our founders are of East Asian descent, which means that their lashes point straight downwards and are barely visible! For this reason, Zukyun Beauty lashes are unique in that they are designed to be ULTRA-featherlight. The lash band is a single thread of organic cotton as opposed to the thick & obvious plastic backings you'll find at the drugstore. Guaranteed you won't feel anything on your eyes. However, if you're really worried - we suggest selecting our natural lash styles.

What does C curl and D curl mean?

C curl means a natural curl, whereas D curl means a deeper curl.

Got more questions?

Reach out to us via Instagram DM or at